Building early literacy skills can set your child up for successful lifelong learning. Literacy programs can help with higher book knowledge, expressive language, more phonemic awareness, better rhyming and higher overall literacy, which is why it is so important for the CCSQCA to provide books to as many children as possible beginning with infancy.
Board member, Cindy Corrigan, who taught preschool and kindergarten for many years know the importance students beginning their education on a strong foundation. She recently wrote an interactive book, Calvin and Kaiser's Very Busy Day, to help children and parents prepare for entry into kindergarten.
CCS provides the Rock Island Head Start Program with books, needed supplies, and volunteers at family events. In the fall of 2023, CCS members were able to resume going into the classroom to read to students and help teachers.
Above, Board Members, Alyssa Leone and Deacon Joe Dockery-Jackson, are shown providing craft materials and free books to those who attended an end of the year Head Start Family Event.